
The Management sub-tree includes service-specific processing data and configuration settings. For most services, data is available for queues, current processing successes/failures, processing loads and document creation (e.g. monitoring ERM processing .spl files, import .xml files, output batch results, retro-index queue processing, and event automation moves)


The Processing node displays data based on the service chosen from the Service Monitor Dashboard. For each service, click into the Management > Service Processing window to view all settings and properties. window to view all settings and properties.

Here's a list of tabs available for each service:

  1. ERM
    1. Dashboard - Active/Inactive Input Sources, Documents Created statistics
    2. History - Processed and Rejected documents, Filter, View, and Delete .spl files
  2. Event
    1. Dashboard – Event Statistics including System Events, Service Workload Event Type Summary
    2. Processed Events – General, Detail and Notification Properties
  3. Import
    1. Dashboard – Active/Inactive Input Sources, Documents Imported statistics
    2. History – General, Imported Documents and Rejected Documents Properties
  4. Indexing
    1. Dashboard – Scheduled and Triggered Retro-Index Queue Summaries
    2. Scheduled RI Queue – General and Processing History Properties
    3. Scheduled RI Log – Log view related to scheduled Retro-Indexes
    4. Triggered RI Queue – General and Processing History Properties
  5. Output Manager
    1. Inbound Documents - Documents queued to be sent through output manager including associated routing lists and recipients
    2. Batches - Log history of all scheduled and processed batches
    3. Batch Items - Log view and properties of all sent items
Service Configuration

Some core DocLink functionality is provided through the use of services. You should configure these services to operate properly for your organization.  The configuration of the DocLink services is done in Service Monitor. The Service Configuration node allows you to set up service-specific settings. Here's a list of tabs available for each service with a configuration node:

  1. ERM
    1. Input Sources - Printers and user-defined folders for ERM capture
    2. Advanced - Configure ERM folder and archive locations
  2. Indexing
    1. Index processing control - Choose the frequency to run the indexing and queuing new documents for retro-indexing
  3. Output Manager
    1. General - Configuration of default output methods and data maintenance settings.
  4. Support
    1. Linked Documents processing - for users of GP WennSoft Advanced Document Management (ADM) and Epicor File Attachment. Please refer to their respective integration deployment guides for configuration details.

For detailed configuration of each service, click on their respective links here:

  1. DocLink ERM Service
  2. DocLink Indexing Service
  3. DocLink Output Manager Service
  4. DocLink Support Service

All of the DocLink .NET services will appear in the Service Monitor.  However, only those services that have been purchased and installed will be enabled and accessible in this window.

Currently, Barcode runs as a separate executable (exe). The Barcode Service can be managed directly from Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Component Services. Click here for more information regarding the Barcode Service.

Service Monitor Dashboard

Service Monitor - Instances Tab

Service Monitor - Processes Tab

Custom Views
