Configure the Indexing Service

  1. From the Administration tab, click on the Service Monitor tile. In the Services tree, go to doc-link Indexing Service > Management > Service Configuration. The Indexing Service Configuration screen will open.
  2. Specify when the Retro-Index service should run.
  3. Select Run Continuously to configure the Retro-Index service to run at all times.
  4. To configure a specific time that Retro-Index will run each day, select Run only between the hours of. Then enter the time of day when the Retro-Index service should start and stop processing documents.
  5. Select Queue new document for retro-index processing to turn on scheduled Retro-Index for documents being entered into doc-link.  If this check box is selected, any new documents will be queued for potential Retro-Indexing. If you do not want documents to be placed in the queue, clear the check box.

    This setting applies to documents being entered into doc-link at the present time. If the check box is cleared, new documents being entered into doc-link will not queue for Retro-Index. If the check box is selected at a later date, new documents being entered into doc-link will queue for Retro-Index. However, the documents that were entered into doc-link when the check box was not selected will not be retroactively queue for Retro-Index.

Auto-Index and Retro-Index

Running the Indexing Service