Configure the Linked Documents Service
Management of linked documents processing is done in Service Monitor.
By default, this functionality is turned off. To enable it, follow the
steps outlined below.
- From Service Monitor, go to doc-link Support
Service > Management > Service Configuration. The Linked
Document Processing screen will open.
- Select the option that will be used to control
Linked Documents processing.
- Run Continuously will keep the service
run all day without any gaps in processing.
- Run only between the hours allows
you to configure the service to start/stop during specific times
during the day to ease servers with high intermittent processing
- Check the box to Queue new documents
for Linked Documents processing to backlog processed documents
that are ready to be synced with doc-link. Without this checked,
doc-link will not pull in and sync new documents for processing.
- Choose the Maximum Number of Attempts
to process/reprocess queued documents. After max attempts have
been met, doc-link will cease to process the documents meeting
this threshold.
- In the XML Import UNC Path, browse
to the path where the integration will drop the synced files ready
to be processed. This must be a UNC path and the path must have
full sharing and security rights to the logon service given to
the doc-link Support Service.
- Modify the doclinkservices.config file.
- This file can be found in the %Program
Files (x86)%\Altec\doclink3x directory and can be opened with
- Locate the block of code with "Title="Linked
documents processing".
- Cut/paste the block into the upper (un-commented)
section. The block of code should be below the other blocks with
the same category of "Support".
- When finished, save the config file.
- After moving the block of code, enable the Linked
Documents Queue Processing process.
- From the Administration tab, click on the
Service Monitor tile.
- In the service Monitor tree, highlight the
doc-link Support Service.
- On the dashboard, click on the Processes
- Highlight the Linked Documents Queue
Processing process.
- In the XML Import UNC Path, browse
to the path where the integration will drop the synced files ready
to be processed. This must be a UNC path and the path must have
full sharing and security rights to the logon service given to
the doc-link Support Service.
- Re-start the doc-link Support Service for
the changes to take effect.