The Service Monitor is a dashboard resource to display all installed DocLink .NET services. With it, Administrators can bypass Windows when starting/stopping services, troubleshooting errors in the Event Viewer and viewing DocLink system resources in the Task Manager. The Service Monitor tile is located on the Administration tab under Monitoring.
The Service Monitor interface shows the services installed in the environment. A service explorer tree is displayed to show all custom views, service logs, service management data and global server settings.
Each service has its own unique dashboard of specific information including instance and processes data. Click on a service in the service tree to display its dashboard. This Service Information dashboard shows information about the service including:
Display Name – The service name as seen in the Windows service panel.
Service Name – The service name as seen in Task Manager.
Category – The category the service/instance belongs to.
Log Table – The name of the log table.
Service Monitor - Instances Tab
Service Monitor - Processes Tab