The Instances tab provides further detail and gives an administrator a dynamic configuration console to configure and manage the selected instance. It also gives an administrator a dynamic configuration console to start/stop the service.
Machine Name - The server name on which the service is installed.
Instance Name - The named instance of the server. The first instance of the installed service is known as the 'default' instance. Multiple installations of the service on the same machine must have a name that uniquely identifies them. This is referred to as the instance name.
Windows PID - The unique identifier given to the service by Windows, as seen in Task Manager.
Is Master - Select this box to identify the instance as the primary service instance
Enabled - Check this box to enable/disable the service instance.
Log Level - Set the level of verbose logging here. The default is set to '3 - Warning'.
Description (verbosity) |
1 = Fatal Error |
Indicates only critical errors occurring that are service related. |
2 = Error |
Indicates only major error of the service. |
3 = Warning |
Showing unexpected issues, but nothing that requires immediate action. |
4 = Information |
An information event generally related to a successful process. A normal expected event. |
5 = Debug |
A higher than normal level of logging. Shows high level of detail through an event. |
6 = Full Trace |
The most verbose logging available. Shows all steps through an event. |
Process Priority - The priority given to the processing threads within the service instance. The operating system uses the priority level of all executing instances to determine which thread gets the next slice of processor time. There are four supported priorities (listed in order of precedence):
Process Priority |
Description |
Above Normal |
Highest priority. Use for time critical processes that must be executed immediately. Use caution when specifying Above Normal priority because processes with this designation can consume most available processor time. Best used for low volume processors performing critical tasks. |
Normal (default) |
Specifies the process has no special scheduling needs. |
Below Normal |
Lowest priority. Process runs only after Above Normal and Normal processes |
Idle |
Specifies that the threads of this process run only when the system is idle. The treads of the process are pre-empted by the threads of any process with a higher priority. |
Service Monitor - Processes Tab