doc-link Output Manager
doc-link Output Manager
automatically distributes documents to your business partners based on
pre-configured routing lists. Save a document into doc-link by
printing it from your business application or indexing it manually, and
your work is done. doc-link Output Manager finds matches
based on indexed properties and routes automatically according to the
routing list setup.
- A document is captured, indexed and stored it
in doc-link.
- Output Manager is notified that a new document
has been processed.
- Output Manager searches through the routing lists
for any configured for this document type.
- If a routing list is found, the Output Manager
cycles through the routing list groups and individual recipients to
create distribution records.
- At the scheduled time, Output Manager distributes
the documents to the individual recipients. Recipients receive the
document via email, fax, FTP or file copy, or can receive a paper
copy of the document.
Routing Color Documents
Fax Applications and Requirements
does the Recipient receive from doc-link Output Manager?
Routing Documents
Configure Output Manager
Configure Output Manager
Configure Recipients
and Routing Options
Routing Lists
Delivery Methods
Using Cover Sheet Data Tokens
Scheduling Delivery Methods
Running the Output Manager
Checking Distribution Status
Resending Documents
Troubleshooting Output