Using Cover Sheet Data Tokens

Output Manager cover sheets are configured in Template Manager. Here are a few tokens you can add either the subject line or main body of the cover sheet that will get distributed with every document sent to the recipient.

  1. [$OutputBatchItemInfo.CompanyName] -- Company name in doc-link.
  2. [$OutputBatchItemInfo.DocumentTypeName] -- Document type name in doc-link.
  3. [$OutputBatchItemInfo.DocumentID] -- Unique identifier in doc-link.
  4. [$Property.# Name=PropertyName] -- Name of the doc-link property on the document being routed whose value you wish to display.

    Examples are [$Property.1 Name=InvoiceNumber] and [$Property.9 Name=PurchaseOrderNumber].

Sample subject line configuration:


Sample cover sheet configuration:

The Template will be defined as follows:


The email sent to the recipient will display the following:


If no value is available for a cover sheet property tag the cover sheet will display the property name – [$Property Name.# Name=PropertyName]. For example, if, in the email above, no value was indexed to the Receipt Date property, the cover sheet would display the cover sheet data token: [$Property.20 Name=ReceiptDate] instead of a blank value.

The numerical value in the data token is the PropertyId for the document being routed, in the appropriate PropertyXXXValues table in the database.

Delivery Methods