Re-sending Documents

To re-send a specific document:

  1. From the doc-link Administrator go to Manage > Service Monitor…
  2. In the Services tree window expand doc-link Output Manager Service > Management > Output Processing.
  3. Click on the Batch Items tab at the bottom of the Properties section.
  4. Right-click on the appropriate document, then Resend.
  5. Finally, select the appropriate schedule to send the document.

To re-send a batch of documents:

  1. From the doc-link Administrator go to Manage > Service Monitor…
  2. In the Services tree window expand doc-link Output Manager Service > Management > Output Processing.
  3. Click on the Batches tab at the bottom of the Properties section.
  4. Right-click on the appropriate batch, then Resend.
  5. Finally, select the appropriate schedule to send the document.

It is very important that if a scheduled fax batch fails, the administrator should resend the document from the Batches screen in Service Monitor. If it is resent from the fax server, the fax application creates a new record and the record in Output Manager never gets updated. To avoid this always resend from Output Manager.

Scheduling Delivery Methods

Checking the Distribution Status