Configure Output Manager
Output Manager Configuration consists of the following tasks:
- Configure
Output Manager Service includes default output methods, system
schedules, and network domain account.
- Configure
Recipients and Routing Options for a document type. Recipients
can be configured as Standard or Dynamic recipients.
- A Standard recipient is pre-configured
with information that doesn't change, such as an email address
or fax number.
- A Dynamic recipient is a recipient
whose routing destination is based on information contained on
the document rather than configuration information entered into
Output Manager.
For example, an invoice is printed with a fax number on the
document and ERM captured the fax number, indexing the document
with that information. Output Manager can then automatically fax
the document to the fax number by creating a dynamic recipient
configured to fax using the property containing the fax number.
Configure Output Manager
Configure Recipients
and Routing Options