doc-link Event Manager

The doc-link Event Manager allows for configuration and management of notifications and rules for a wide spectrum of elements throughout the system. Administrators can achieve full control over automated approver email notifications, workflow moves, and status reporting for ERM, Output Manager and XML modules in one easy to use interface located on the Administration tab > Event and Data Manager tile. Events are organized by type: Triggered Events, Scheduled Tasks and Reports & Alerts.

Please note that doc-link events are asynchronous, meaning they do not necessarily fire one after another in line. Because of this, the chaining of events is not supported.

The Event Manager has the capability to monitor the following from doc-link:

  1. Triggered Events
    1. Capture
      • ERM Process Failure (Notifications) – A triggered event that occurs when ERM fails to process a file. When the failure occurs, Event Manager can be configured to send an email notification.
      • ERM Process Success (Notifications) – A triggered event that occurs when ERM successfully processes a file. When the file is processed, Event Manager can be configured to send an email notification.
      • Import Manager Failure (Notifications) – A triggered event that occurs when Import Manager fails to process a file. When the failure occurs, Event Manager can be configured to send an email notification.
      • Import Manager Success (Notifications) – A triggered event that occurs when Import Manager successfully processes a file. When the file is processed, Event Manager can be configured to send an email notification.
    2. Document
    3. Output
      • Output Transmission Failure (Notifications) – A triggered event that occurs when Output Manager fails to transmit a document. When the failure occurs, Event Manager can be configured to send an email notification.
    4. Workflow
      • Delegate Action (Notifications) - A triggered event notification that occurs when an action has been made on a delegation (e.g.; created, edited, rejected, accepted, scheduled reminder).
      • Document Move – A triggered event that occurs when a document moves to a workflow status. When the 'document move' event occurs, Event Manager can be configured to send email notifications or conduct workflow automation based on pre-defined business rules.

        Document Move (Automation)

        Document Move (Notifications)

  2. Scheduled Tasks
    1. System
  3. Reports and Alerts
    1. Workflow

Remote Approvals Configuration

Event Manager Options

Running the Event Service

Exit Code Controls

Template Manager