System (Scheduled Task – Automation)

System Scheduled Task events automate actions on a recurring scheduled basis.  For example, this could be setup to automatically refresh vendor cache tables on a daily basis.

  1. From the Event Manager, click System. Expand the Scheduled Task node then click on the Automation option. The Scheduled Task Automation configuration options will open.
  2. Click Add to open the Automated Task Configuration window. The General tab is visible.
    1. Name - Enter a name that uniquely identifies the event.
    2. Check the Active box to enable the event.
    3. Add a Description for this event. (Optional)
    4. Chose an Exit Code from the drop-down list. Exit controls manage the processing of the task. Options are:
      • Continue
      • Exit on Success
      • Exit on Failure

      For a complete description of the exit codes and what they do, refer to Exit Code Controls.

  3. Click the Schedule tab to specify the interval for the task.
    1. The recurrence pattern can be set for daily, weekly, or monthly intervals. Click on the specific frequency to enable details. Then click on the underlined time value to specify the time of day when you want the schedule to occur.




  4. Click the Actions tab. This tab specified the action to do based on the result returned after evaluation of the conditions in Step 3b.
    1. If doc-link matches the criteria set in the conditions tab, it considers this TRUE and will follow the action specified under the Condition is TRUE section.
    2. If doc-link does not match the criteria set in the conditions tab, it considers this FALSE and will follow the action specified under the Condition is FALSE section.
    3. Actions are added by clicking the Add button. There are three options: Database, External, and Custom.
  5. Please refer to Step 5 of Document Move - Automation for details and examples on setting up the Actions tab.
  6. To edit an action, highlight the item in the list and click the Properties button.
  7. To delete an action, highlight the item in the list and click the Delete button.
  8. To re-order the actions list, click on the Move Up/Down buttons for prioritization.

    A successful action listed first in the list and set for 'Exit on success' will not trigger subsequent actions. Order is extremely important for triggering items as well as performance on the server.

  9. When you are done configuring the event, click OK to save and exit the screen to return to the main Event Manager window.

Manage Existing Automation Events

  1. To edit an existing event, highlight the item in the list and click Properties.
  2. To remove an existing event, highlight the item in the list and click Remove.
  3. To create a new event based on an existing one, click the Copy Configuration button.
  4. Use the Move Up/Down buttons to re-organize the list of events.

**IMPORTANT** The order of active rules matters greatly and can be a serious determinant of performance on your system if not well placed.

As a general rule, move high volume automation tasks to the top of the task list and keep low volume automation tasks lower in the task list.

Workflow Delegation Configuration

Automation events are created to send acceptance reminders as well as notifications for delegation start and end times. Three delegate actions require this automation: Reminder, Delegate Ended, and Delegate Started.

  1. Follow the steps outlined above for creating an automated scheduled task.
  2. On the Actions tab, click the Add button and select Custom for the action.
  3. On the next screen, enter a Name that uniquely identifies this action.
  4. Select an Exit Code from the drop down list.
  5. In the Custom Action drop-down list, select Execute Workflow Delegate Action.

    The Custom Action has a parameter of Delegate Action. To set up automation that will send notifications to the workflow delegate, enter the following values for the respective delegate actions:

    1. Reminder - 2
    2. Delegation Started - 7
    3. Delegation Ended - 8

    Based on the defined schedule, and if a delegation has not been accepted/rejected, the delegate will receive a reminder to log into Smart Client and accept/reject the delegation.

    If the delegate accepts the delegation, they will receive notifications of the delegation start time.

    If the delegate rejects the delegation, a notification will be sent to the workflow user who created the delegation. No additional notifications will be sent to the delegate.

  6. Click OK to return to the Actions tab of the Scheduled Task Properties window.
  7. Click OK again to close and save the new automation.

System (Scheduled Task – Notifications)