Output (Output Transmission Failure – Notifications)

Setup for Output Transmission Failure Notifications are the same as ERM Process Failures and Successes.  This procedure can be completed by following the steps for ERM Process Failure – Notifications, with the exception noted for Step 3:

  1. Click on the Conditions tab. You can specify the conditions that can be used to determine the execution of the event.
    1. Check the box next to the condition to enable it.
    2. Then, click on the link to open the Configure Conditions dialog window.
    3. Check the box next to each condition that will fall under the active messaging condition.
    4. Click OK to save and exit the dialog window and return to the notification configuration screen.
    5. Each selected condition will be listed in the rule description box.
      • To edit the rule description, click on the link to open the condition dialog box.
      • The Options... button allos you to clear all conditions at once or view the current conditions in XML format.

Workflow (Delegate Action Notifications)