Event Manager Management Options

Event Manager options allows you modify the purge options for inactive items in the event queue as well as settings for determining overdue age of documents.

  1. To open the options dialog window, click on the Settings button at the bottom of the doc-link Event and Data Manager window. This will expand the Management options dialog.
  2. Click on Options to open the Event Manager Options screen.
  3. The General options will be visible.
    1. Modify settings for event inactive age in the Purge items in the event queue older than this many days section. Click the up/down arrows or simply retype a numerical value to increase/decrease the number of days.
    2. Modify settings for when doc-link will actually purge the data from the event queue in the Purge items every day at the following time. Click the up/down arrows or simply retype a time to change the time of day.
  4. Click on Reports & Alerts.

    The Reports and Alerts screen allows you to manage the delivery of reports and alerts based on the age of the document and the corresponding settings on workflow status and on the rules for past due documents.

    The aging is calculated based on the settings configured. However documents cannot become past due until they reach the overdue days configured for the status.

  5. Document Aging - – the settings here allow you to manage the calculation of aging based on time of day and days of the week.
  6. Select a Start time and End time for which the system will calculate document age.
    1. Use the up and down arrows to select a time.
    2. Click on each diurnal value (hours, minutes, a.m./p.m.) then use the arrows to change them.
  7. Click each box for the days of the Workweek you want to include in the calculation of the document age.
  8. If you want to Exclude holidays and other days from calculations, check the corresponding box. Then click the Exclusions... button. The Document Aging Exclusions window opens.
  9. To add a new exclusion day, click the Add button. The Document Aging Exclusion dialog window opens.
    1. Enter a Name to uniquely identify the exclusion.
    2. Select from the drop down list a Category to assign to this exclusion. Options are Holiday, Other Exclusions, No Category.
    3. Use the drop down button in the Exclusion Date field to open a calendar control window. This will allow you to select the month/day/year of the exclusion.
  10. Click OK to save and exit the screen. Your new date exclusion will be listed.
  11. To edit an existing exclusion, click the Properties button.
  12. To delete an exclusion, click the Remove button.
  13. Click OK to save changes to Management Options.

Running the Event Service