Email Import

Email Import can be configured to automatically import and index documents, from a wide variety of MAPI providers as well as Exchange,  into the doc-link repository and workflow.

The import process monitors an email inbox to check for new items that have arrived. If there are new 'unresd' items in the inbox:

Configuration of the input source must be finished and activated before the image queue will successfully run. For each configured input source, doc-link can specify static top level folder, document type, and index properties to use on all indexed documents. It can also send documents to workflow for further indexing and include metadata from the email to index to doc-link properties.

  1. Click on the Import Manager tile on the Administration tab to open the Import Manager Configuration window.
  2. Then click on Email Import. The Email Import Input Sources dialog screen opens.
  3. Click Add to create, Remove to delete, and Properties to change an input source.
Add a New Input Source

Click the Add button to create a new input source and fill in the necessary information.

The following tabs are available for configuring the Email Import Input Source:

  1. General
  2. Account Details
  3. Static Indexing
  4. Dynamic Indexing

Import Manager

Custom XML

Image Queue