Import Manager
The doc-link Import Manager is used to import documents and/or
xml data into doc-link. This flexible service can be used to import:
- Images that have been processed through an OCR
package. The service imports the documents into the repository and
indexes them with the OCR data.
- Images created from an xml file. Import Manager
uses SQL Reporting Services to transform the XML data into the proper
- Documents and xml data send from another doc-link
system by Output Manager. The service imports the documents into the
repository and indexes them with the xml data.
- Images without a corresponding xml file. the top-level
folder, document type, properties, and workflow status are configured
for the input source and each document is indexed with that static
- Data associated with documents already in the
repository. The xml can be used to update index properties or move
the document to the next workflow status.
- Emails and/or email attachments. Import Manager
can monitor an email inbox and consume files for processing into doc-link.
The doc-link Import Service can be implemented on multiple servers
and can run on multiple threads.
Custom XML
Email Import
Image Queue