Batch Items

When a document is routed and placed in a batch for distribution, the item(s) will be listed in the Batch Items grid. If the item has supplemental documents, they will be added to batch and listed with the master document. External documents or file attachments will not be displayed. Click on the plus sign to expand the grid line to list the supplemental documents. Click on it a second time to collapse the list.

  1. Batch ID - Batch number for all grouped items in the batch. This is listed on the Output Manager History tab of the document viewer in Smart Client. Only uses with the assigned role permission will be able to see this information.
  2. Document ID - The doc-link document ID.
  3. Document Type - The doc-link document type.
  4. Status - The current status of the batch. (Scheduled/Completed/Failed).
  5. Type - The type of document in the batch. (Master Document, Supplemental Document, External Document, File Attachment).
  6. Recipient - The name of the recipient the batch is being sent to.
  7. Delivery Address - The destination of the batch. Can be email address, fax number, printer, or physical location as set up on the Recipient Configuration.
  8. Date Sent - The send date of the batch.
  9. Created - The date the batch was initially created.
  10. File Path - The name of the document being sent. This is defined by the file name template option on the Output Tab of the Routing List Configuration screen. If no file name template is configured, the output file path will be the system-generated name, typically containing the Batch ID and Document ID.
    1. External Document - This can be the physical location or defined file name. A file name template can be created on the External Document dialog.
    2. File Attachment - This will be the physical location of the document.

The Properties Details section provides a list view of the highlighted batch in the grid.

  1. Batch Items Details - Provides detailed information on the batch items highlighted.
    1. Recipient - The name of the recipient.
    2. Routing List - The name of the routing list.
    3. Document ID - The doc-link document ID.
    4. Master Document ID - ????
    5. File Path - The name of the document being sent. This is defined by the file name template option on the Output Tab of the Routing List Configuration screen.
    6. Days Remaining - The number of processing days remaining based on the number of retry days defined for the routing list and the queued date.
  2. Recipient - The name of the recipient the batch is being sent to.
  3. Batch ID - Batch number for all grouped items in the batch. This is listed on the Output Manager History tab of the document viewer in Smart Client. Only uses with the assigned role permission will be able to see this information.
  4. Status - The current status of the batch. (Scheduled/Completed/Failed).
  5. Delivery Address - The destination of the batch. Can be email address, fax number, printer, or physical location as set up on the Recipient Configuration.
  6. Item Count - The number of items in the batch.

Scheduling Delivery Methods

Checking Distribution Status

Inbound Documents


Re-sending Documents