Inbound Documents
The Inbound Documents tab will display all documents that are queued
up for processing through Output Manager.
Inbound Documents
The top section displays a grid with general information about the document(s)
being processed. Double-click a record to display the document in the
document viewer, or its default viewer if it is not a TIFF or PDF.
- Document ID - The doc-link document
- Document - The name of the document type.
- Queued - The date/time the document was
set for processing through Output Manager.
- Triggered - A checkmark in this column
indicates the trigger for the document being routed has been updated
(i.e., based on a workflow status or property value) and the document
is released for processing through Output Manager. Refer to the optional condition
'is ready for distribution' for more information.
The Properties section provides information on the selected document
in the top section grid.
- Details - Detailed information on the current
status of the documents being processed.
- Routing Lists - Information about the routing
list(s) associated with the highlighted record in the Inbound Documents
- Routing List - The name of the routing list.
- Rule - Identifies if there are optional
conditions set on the routing list. Yes/No.
- Process - Identifies whether the rule evaluation
succeeded or failed.
- Days Remaining - The number of processing
days remaining based on the number of retry
days defined for the routing list and the queued date.
- Recipients - Information about the recipient(s)
associated with the highlighted record in the Inbound Documents grid.
- Recipient - The name of the recipient.
- Rule - Identifies if there are optional
conditions set on the recipient. Yes/No.
Scheduling Delivery Methods
Checking Distribution Status
Batch Items
Re-sending Documents