Distribution Tab

There may be instances where there is no recipient for a document within a routing list. It is also possible that a routing list could be created without any recipients. Specifying a default delivery method ensures that all documents are distributed. In either of these cases, the document can be distributed using the default delivery method. Frequently, print is used, resulting in a hard copy being printed on the specified printer.

Open the routing list and click on the Distribution tab. The grid displays the recipients and default delivery methods that have been configured for the routing list.


To associate a recipient with this routing list, click the Add button. The Select Recipients dialog screen opens

  1. Search for recipients on this screen by entering search criteria and clicking Search.
  2. Select the recipients from the grid. To select multiple recipients, press and hold Ctrl on keyboard and click on the recipients you want to add.
  3. To create new recipients using the New Recipient... button. This will open the Routing List Recipient dialog.
  4. Click OK when you are done, or Cancel to exit out of the screen without adding a recipient.

Once (all) recipients have been added to the routing list, you can edit or remove them.

  1. To edit a recipient on the routing list, select it in the grid and click the Properties button.
  2. To delete a recipient on the routing list, select it in the grid and click the Remove button.

The Search box enables you to search recipient names. This is useful when there are many recipients assigned to a single routing list.

Default Delivery Methods

Default delivery methods are used when no recipients can be found on the documents to be routed. To associate a default delivery method with the routing list, click the Add drop down menu and select the delivery method you want.

For each default delivery address added to the routing list, the order of the delivery methods along with the exit codes can be configured.

You can arrange the order of the delivery methods with the Move Up/Down buttons at the top of the grid.

Optional conditions and exit codes can further determine how a document is routed for the specified default delivery method

After selecting the default delivery method to add to the routing list, the specified delivery method dialog window opens.

  1. Go to the Conditions dialog screen. This screen is available for all default delivery methods and allows you to configure additional filtering based on selected property criteria or company
  2. Once you have selected the conditions, you can edit them in the Edit the rule description section. For any defined optional condition, click on the underlined value and modify the settings.
  3. The Options button allows you to:
    1. Clear All Content – Clear all conditions for the current routing list.
    2. View XML – View the routing list conditions in XML format.
  4. Select the Exit Code for the rule:
    1. Continue - Next delivery method in sequence is processed regardless of result.
    2. Exit on Success - Processing of the delivery method stops if an action is executed. An action is determined to have been successfully executed if the evaluation of its rule criteria returns true (no rule criteria always equals true) and no error occurred during processing.
    3. Exit on Failure - Processing of the delivery method stops if an action fails evaluation.
  5. 5.Continue this process until you have associated all the appropriate default delivery methods for this routing list. Remember, whenever the default delivery methods are used, a copy of the document will be distributed via each method configured.

For additional instructions on configuring each of the default delivery methods, click on the following links:



File Copy



After all the default delivery methods have been added to the routing list, you can edit or remove them.

  1. To edit a delivery method on the routing list, select it in the grid and click the Properties button.
  2. To delete a delivery method on the routing list, select it in the grid and click the Remove button.

The Conditions dialog screen is only available for default delivery methods.

It is not available for Standard or Dynamic Recipients.

Routing List Configuration

General Tab

Supplemental Documents Tab

Output Tab

Cover Sheet Tab

Failure Tab