Cover Sheet Tab
The Cover Sheet tab screen allows you to select/configure message content
to be sent with the documents being routed. Select the Include cover
sheet check box to enable the options on this screen.
- Use the Template drop down menu to select
a template for the recipient. Templates are configured using Template
- Send As – select either Text or
Html as the output format of the message body. This will be
based on the configured template.
- Select the Include document properties
check box to include the properties and their values on the cover
sheet. By default when this box is checked all index values assigned
to the document will be included on the cover sheet. If you wish to
selectively add which property values to include, uncheck this option
and use data tokens.
The preview pane will display the cover sheet as it has been defined
in Template Manager. Click on the
link to open Template Manager and configure your template.
Routing List Configuration
General Tab
Supplemental Documents Tab
Distribution Tab
Output Tab
Failure Tab