Configure Document Creation - Auto Number Tab

The Auto Number Tab is used to define a field to auto-increment values to uniquely define created documents. doc-link uses a 'check-out' procedure to ensure no two users can reuse any auto-number during the creation process. If any user begins creating a document where an auto-number is assigned, then cancels out of the process, the auto-number is 'checked-in' and can be reassigned to another user.

Include auto-number field – Check this box if a field in the Smart Form will be used as an auto-incremented number to uniquely identify the document. (e.g. – RPT001, RPT002, etc)

Process – The auto-number process refers to the logic used to distinguish between different sets of auto-incremented numbers. For example, each Company may elect to use different numbering schemes like: AP001 for Accounts Payable, AR001 for Accounts Receivable.  The process determines this setup.

Click the ellipsis button to open the Auto-Number Process Manager.

Target Field – The target field is the Smart Form field that will contain the auto-number. The target field allows only header fields with a data type of 'string'.

Assign Value

When a field value changes - Choose a field from the drop down list. This option specifies that the auto-number field populates when the chosen drop-down field changes. For example, when company is selected, the auto-number field will populate.

When a new document is started - A new auto-number is created whenever a Smart Form is started regardless of a change to an independent field.

Prefix Number – Check this box if a prefix should be applied to the auto-number.

With field value – Applies to a chosen Smart Form field value from the drop-down box provided. See Explaining 'Values' for further explanation on 'Values'.

Can be one of the following:

Display Value – Corresponds to the value displayed in the Smart Form field.

Value – Corresponds to the ID of the field chosen.

Value2 – Corresponds to a code from the field chosen.

With fixed value – Applies a fixed value that is typed into the textbox provided. This can be alphanumeric.

Both 'with field value' and 'with fixed value' options can be used together to create unique values for the auto-number. When both are used, the auto-number will be generated in the order of 'field', 'fixed value', auto-number.

Configure Document Creation Plug-in

Configure Document Creation - General Tab

Auto-Number Process Manager

Configure Document Creation - Behavior Tab