Explaining 'Values'

Throughout the Smart Form setup, you will find these three values.  In a practical sense, top-level folder is usually the only control used.  Below, you will find explanations on usage for each.

  1. Display Value - Corresponds to the value displayed in the Smart Form field.

    For top-level folders, this would be the actual folder name as seen in System Settings > Folders (e.g. – ABC Company)

  2. Value - Corresponds to the ID of the field chosen.

    For top-level folders, this would be the folder ID for the company as seen in the database table dbo.DocumentFolders (e.g. – 10001)

  3. Value2 - Corresponds to a code from the field chosen.

    For top-level folders this would be the folder code for the company as seen in System Settings > Folders (e.g. – ABC)