General System Settings
- From the Administration tab, Click the System
Settings tile. The General dialog screen opens.
- In the Site Name box, enter a name
you wish to assign to this instance of DocLink. The name you enter
here will be referenced from the Smart Client.
- In the Recipient Email Address box,
enter the email address you wish to use for your e-mail notifications
when users get locked out of their accounts or when new account
requests are submitted. This is the ‘send to’ email account.
- In the Return Email Address box,
enter the email address you wish to use for administrative alert
email notifications. This is the ‘send from’ email account.
- Click Apply to save.
- From the file list, select Access. The
General dialog screen opens.
- Click the Compose... button to edit
a standardized email message that will be sent to new remote users
with their login credentials.
- Click Apply to save.
Configure DocLink
System Settings
the Document Store from DocLink Database to File System
Folder Levels
Licensing and
Global Settings
Login Control
Print to DocLink
Smart Client URL