Edit Smart Form Element - Mapping Tab

The Mapping Tab allows you to map the Smart Form element to various doc-link elements.

Map to doc-link Element

None – Smart Form element is not mapped to any doc-link elements.

Company List – If selected, the Smart Form field will contain a lookup of all top-level folders in doc-link.

Document Type List – If selected, the Smart Form field will contain a lookup of all document types in doc-link.

doc-link Property List – If selected, the Smart Form field will contain a lookup of all properties in doc-link.

doc-link Property Value – If selected, the value entered into this Smart Form field will be indexed to the selected property.

Edit Smart Form Element - Layout Tab

Edit Smart Form Element - Appearance Tab

Edit Smart Form Element - Data Type Tab

Edit Smart Form Element - Behavior Tab

Edit Smart Form Element - Lookup Tab

Edit Smart Form Element - Defaults Tab

Configure doc-link Smart Form - Header Tab

Configure doc-link Smart Form - Detail Tab

Configure doc-link Smart Form - Totals Tab

Configure doc-link Smart Form - Footer Tab