Edit Smart Form Element - Appearance Tab

The Appearance Tab allows you to control the overall design of each Smart Form element from viewing textboxes to label formatting.

Display Options

Visible – Determines the visibility of the element to the user.  All other settings and processing sequencing stays enabled if element is not visible.

Begin New Line – Begins the element starting on a new line of the Smart Form layout.

Multiline –Allows string to be typed on multiple lines in input.

Edit Height – Available only with Multiline enabled.  Determines the height of the multiline textbox.

Justify Width – Allows you to adjust the element’s width to justify to the right side of the Smart Form.

Min Width – Available only with Justify Width enabled. Sets the minimum width the textbox.

Hide Caption – Hides the caption set from the Layout Tab.

Left Align Caption – Justifies the caption to align left.

Max Length – Determines the maximum length of the string allowed in the textbox.

Edit Width – Determines the display width of the textbox.  Does not affect Max Length.

Customize Caption Font and Color

Caption Font – Sets the font type, size, style and color of the individual element’s caption.

Preview Box – Previews the latest changes to the caption font settings.

Edit Smart Form Element - Layout Tab

Edit Smart Form Element - Data Type Tab

Edit Smart Form Element - Mapping Tab

Edit Smart Form Element - Behavior Tab

Edit Smart Form Element - Lookup Tab

Edit Smart Form Element - Defaults Tab

Configure doc-link Smart Form - Header Tab

Configure doc-link Smart Form - Detail Tab

Configure doc-link Smart Form - Totals Tab

Configure doc-link Smart Form - Footer Tab