Workflow Designer

Once all workflow items have been created, you must use the Workflow Designer to diagram the relationship between statuses in your workflow (which statuses can send to and receive documents from other statuses).

Follow the steps below to learn more:

  1. Open the Workflow Designer.
    1. Select a workflow displayed in the Workflow Explorer.
    2. From the Explorer toolbar click the button or right-click on the workflow and choose View Designer from the context menu.
    3. The workflow diagram corresponding to the selected workflow will open in the main window of the Workflow Manager.
    4. If a diagram has not been created yet, the main window will be blank.
  2. Load predefined workflow statuses into the Designer by clicking and dragging each status from the Explorer window to the Designer window or right-click each status title in the Explorer and select Add to Designer from the context menu.
  3. You will see each of your statuses as individual objects (nodes) in the Designer. Click here for an example.
  4. If you will be sending documents between workflows, you will need to load the destination workflow into the Designer. Click and drag the title of the destination workflow from the Explorer window to the Designer window or right-click on a workflow title in the Explorer and select Add to Designer from the context menu. Click here for an example.
  5. To link one status to another, select the status in the Designer you wish to send documents from. Click and drag a line from the center handle to the edge of another object. When you release the mouse, an arrow appears between the two objects in the Designer. The direction the arrow points to indicate the direction documents can move.

    You can also right-click an object and select Add Link... from the context menu to open the Add Link Dialog.

    The Add Link dialog allows you to select a status in the Designer and create links to all other applicable statuses from one interface. When you create a link in the Designer you are indicating that documents can be sent from the currently selected status to all statuses selected from this dialog.

To create links from the Add Link Dialog:

  1. Highlight a workflow displayed in the Workflows list. Statuses available to assign will be displayed under Available Statuses for this Workflow.
  2. Click the status you wish to link. To select multiple items, hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard as you select.
  3. Click the Select button.
  4. All linked statuses will be listed under Selected Statues.
  5. If applicable, highlight another workflow and repeat Steps 2-3.
  6. Click OK to exit the Add Link Dialog.

To remove links:

  1. Highlight a link under Selected Statuses. To select multiple items, hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard as you select.
  2. Click the Remove button.
  3. Click OK to exit the Add Link Dialog.

To modify the look of an object displayed in the Designer:

  1. Click on an object to display its sizing handles. Click and drag one of the sizing handles to change the shape of the object.
  2. To change an object's display attributes such as color, style, text, and font, right-click and select Properties... from the context menu.
  3. To change a link's display attributes, right-click on it and select Properties from the context menu.

Create a New Workflow

Step 7: Configure Workflow Statuses