Configure Workflow Statuses
what statuses will make up the processing steps in your workflow.
- Highlight the Statuses sub-folder from
the Explorer.
- The properties window changes to display all applicable
- Click the down arrow on the
and select Add New Status from the drop-down list, or right-click
on the sub-folder and choose Add New Status from the context
- Name your status in the Name field.
- Type a brief Description of the status.
- For
Approved Status, choose a status that will be used to send
the document indicating it has been approved.
- Determine the processing options you wish to enable
for this status:
- Select True for Auto-Index if you
wish to trigger the auto-index process when documents leave this
- Displays the number of profiles currently
assigned to this status in parenthesis. Select the appropriate
profile(s) you wish to execute by clicking the ellipsis
button to open the Auto-Index Profile Editor
window. This button appears when focus is placed on the Auto-Index
Profiles field.
To assign an Auto-Index Profile:
- Highlight a profile you wish to assign
to this workflow move displayed in the Available Profiles
list. This list displays all auto-index profiles configured
for each document type assigned to this workflow.
- Click the Add>> button. To
select multiple items, hold down the Ctrl key on your
keyboard as you select.
- Click the OK button.
- All linked profiles will be listed under
Assigned Profiles.
To remove a profile:
- Highlight a profile under Assigned
Profiles. To select multiple items, hold down the Ctrl
key on your keyboard as you select.
- Click the <<Remove button.
- Click OK to exit the Auto Index
Profile Editor.
- On the Default Smart Form field,
click the drop-down arrow and select the Smart Form (for example,
distribution stamp) you wish to see when documents are in this
status. The viewer will display this Smart Form only when a document
is launched in the viewer from this status.
Select True for Delete from doc-link if
you wish workflow documents to be deleted from the doc-link
database when sent to this status.
Use with caution! Unlike
Remove from Workflow function, this operation will expunge
the document entirely from the system. |
- Choose
a Denied Status if you want to send the document to a status
indicating it has been denied.
- Select True for Hide Status
if you wish the contents of this status to be hidden from all
workflow users. The contents of hidden statuses can be managed
from the Workflow Supervisor.
- Select True for Index to allow
users the ability to manually index values for documents sent
to this status. The indexing tab will open when documents load
in the viewer prior to sending to this status.
- Select the Mandatory Properties that
require a value before documents are set to this status. If a
document is missing a mandatory property, an error message is
displayed to the user.
- Overdue Age refers to the number of hours
a document must remain in this status before it becomes overdue.
Specify '0' for forever.
- Select True for Remove from Workflow
if you wish documents to be dropped from workflow when sent to
this status. Typically, the last step in your approval process
(last status) would have this flag set as true.
- Require Document Note necessitates
that the user sending the document has added a document note of
the selected type (Approved, Denied). If this is set to 'True'
and the user tries to manually send to the next status, they will
be presented with a warning indicating a note is required.
- Select True for Workflow Remove
Status if you want to designate this status as the workflow’s
remove from workflow status. In Workflow, users can select a document
from the workflow grid and click the shortcut Remove from Workflow
button to send documents directly to this status. If the Remove
from Workflow option above is False, a designated AP
supervisor can review all documents in this status from the Workflow
Supervisor prior to permanently removing them.
- If you have configured your workflow to allow
for drill-down, you will see additional options displayed under Workflow
Drill Down Support.
- Setting the Complete Drill Down Status
to True will allow you to process the packet files separately.
- Sorting the document types in the
drill down workflow can be set to Ascending or Descending.
- You can control the order your processing steps
appear in workflow by re-sequencing the statuses listed in the Workflow
- Select
the item in the Explorer, for example select a status.
- Using the
buttons in
the Explorer toolbar re-order statuses in the order you wish to
present to the workflow user in the Workflow window.
Create a New Workflow
Step 6: Configure Workflow
Step 8: Workflow Designer