New/Edit HTML Event

  1. Enter or change a name for this configured event in the Event Name field.

  2. Select the Event Type you are configuring.

    1. Keyboard Key(s) - click and select the appropriate keyboard combination you wish to use from the drop-down list.

    2. Mouse Click(s) - click and select the appropriate mouse click you wish to use from the drop-down list.

    3. Button - click the Select... button to configure. The HTML Element window opens.

  3. Assign an action, check the box next to the action you wish Quick-link to execute from the Assigned Action list.  If an action is not defined, click the corresponding button to add a search action or add an index action.

If you want to configure multiple events for the same action, for example enable the F11 key on your keyboard and the Save button to index a document, configure a separate event for each type.