Assigning ERM Documents to a Top-level Folder

All DocLink documents must be assigned to a top-level folder. One of the methods ERM uses to determine a document's top-level folder is folder mapping. For example, if your top-level folders are organized to mirror your company structure, you might use the ‘Company’ property as a map. When the 'Company' property value on an image = '01', place the document in the 'Altec Products, Inc.' top-level folder.

ERM determines a document’s top-level folder in the following order:

  1. ERM evaluates each mapping rule associated with the document type, in the specified order, as configured on the ERM Folder Maps tab.
  2. ERM checks to see if a default top-level folder was specified for the document type, as configured on the ERM Folder Maps tab.
  3. ERM checks to see if a default top-level folder was specified for the ERM input source, as configured in ERM System Options.

If ERM is still unable to locate a top-level folder for the document, the document is rejected.

  1. Click the Folder Maps tab to specify in which top-level folder the document shoud be indexed under.
  2. To create a mapping rule, click the Add button. The New Company Map dialog is displayed.
    1. Select the Property that will be used to determine the appropriate top-level folder.
    2. In the Match Text field, enter the text that will be compared to the document’s property value.
    3. Select the top-level Folder where the document is to be placed.
    4. Click OK to return to the ERM Folder Map tab. The new mapping rule will be displayed in the grid.
  3. Continue this process until all the folder maps are listed in the grid.
  4. Mapping rules will be evaluated in the order they are listed. The document will be placed in the location specified by the first matching rule. Use the Up/Down buttons to place the mapping rules in the proper order.
  5. To edit a mapping rule, select the map in the grid and click the Edit button.
  6. To delete an existing mapping rule, select the map in the grid and click the Remove button.
  7. Select the Default Folder that should be used if no match is found.

If your document type is associated with only one top-level folder, just select that folder in the Default Folder field. There’s no need to create any mapping rules

Configure ERM for a Document Type

Step 4: Text Setup

Step 6: Rendering Options