ERM Properties

If the index properties are to be captured from within the document while ERM is processing it, you must specify where ERM is to look for each of the properties.

  1. Click the ERM Properties option to specify where ERM is to locate property values this document type.
  2. To configure a property for ERM capture, click the Add button. The ERM Document Type Property dialog is displayed with the details of the selected property.
  3. If the property name is not already displayed in the Available Properties field, select the property from the list of all properties associated with the document type.
  4. Use the Select Coordinates button to display the File Open dialog.  Locate the directory where sample documents can be found and select a sample document.

    If you printed sample documents using the DocLink ERM Printer, navigate to the appropriate ERM input source.

    If you don’t see your sample document in the ERM input source, check the Files of Type field and make sure ‘All(*.*)’ is selected. Your sample document may not have a different extension.

  5. The document will be displayed in the DocLink ERM File Viewer.
  6. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the cursor diagonally to select the exact location. The selection will be identified by a rectangle, and text that will be captured displays in a pop-up text box.
  7. If the location selected is not correct, hold down the left mouse button and drag the cursor diagonally to select the correct location.
  8. When the proper area has been identified, click the Save and Close button in the viewer toolbar. The coordinates of the selected area will now be displayed on the ERM Document Type Property dialog in the Coordinates boxes.
  9. Click Apply to save the changes and remain on the dialog or OK to save and exit.
  10. If the property value needs to be transformed, enter a script in the Script field.  Sample scripts can be found here.
    1. After entering your script, open the Test Panel. The Test Property Script window will be displayed.
    2. Enter a Property Value and click the Test button.
    3. The script will be run and return an Output value.
    4. If the returned value is not correct, the script must be modified.
    5. Click OK to return to the ERM Document Type Configuration window.
    6. Click OK. The new property configuration will be listed in the grid on the ERM Properties tab.
    7. To delete an existing property for this document type, select the property in the grid and click the Remove button.
    8. Continue this process until all the properties that are to be captured during ERM processing are listed in the grid.


Each required property must be configured for ERM capture. If a required property is not configured, the document will be rejected because it is missing a required property value.

If an index property can be located in multiple places within the document, create a configuration for each instance.

If an index property cannot be found within the document, you can delete the property from the grid.

Configure ERM for a Document Type

Step 8: ERM Filtering

Step 10: ERM Templates