ERM Document Type Configuration

  1. From the Administration tab, click the ERM Document Types tile.
  2. Click the Add button.
  3. On the next screen, double-click on the document type you want to configure for ERM capture.
  4. The ERM Document Type Configuration dialog window opens with focus on the General Settings screen.

General Settings

  1. Select the Input Type. Input type defines the format in which the document will be received by ERM.
  2. Select a File Action, telling ERM what action to take when this document type is being processed. This option is grayed out and defaults to 'Process normally' when EMF, Text as EMF, or XPS is selected:
    1. Process normally – ERM captures the file, places a copy of the file in the ERM archive directory, processes the document for storage in DocLink, and deletes the original file from the input source.
    2. Place file in manual index folder – ERM moves the file to the designated folder for manual indexing. For more information about configuring the manual index folder, see Configure the ERM Service.  Valid for PCL and 'Text as PCL' input types.
    3. Move to location specified below – ERM moves the file to the directory specified in the following box labeled UNC Path. Valid for PCL and 'Text as PCL' input types.
    4. Delete file without processing – ERM deletes the file from the input source without processing it.
  3. If you selected the 'Move to location specified below' action, click Browse… to display the File Open dialog. Locate the directory where ERM should deposit the unprocessed files. The UNC Path will be displayed in the box.
  4. Select the method ERM will use to identify the document type. Options are by Document Content or file Name.

    For example: 'Document Content'- if an invoice always has the word 'Invoice' in the upper left hand corner, it can be used to identify the document type – if no other document type that you are going to be capturing has the word 'Invoice' in the same location.

    1. Name – Select Name. Then enter the appropriate file name in the box. Use standard Windows wildcard characters to create the pattern or string. Typically, identifying documents by file name is not common.
    2. Document Content – Select Contents. A list of all previously defined content identifiers is displayed in the grid.
  5. To create a content identifier, click the Add button. The Identifier window is displayed.
  6. Enter the Identifier, which is a character string that can be found on the document in order to identify the document type. If the identifier is a pattern, rather than a specific text string, use standard Windows wildcard characters to create the pattern.

    Use * on both sides of the string to handle extra characters that might be found within the Identifier’s box.

  7. Click the Select Coordinates button to display the File Open dialog. Locate the directory where sample documents can be found and select one.

    If you don’t see your sample document, check the Files of Type field and make sure 'All(*.*)' is selected. Your sample document may have a .TIFF, .SPL, or .EMF extension.

  8. The document will be displayed in the DocLink ERM File Viewer.
  9. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the cursor diagonally to select the exact location. The selection will be identified by a rectangle, and text that will be captured displays in a pop-up text box. If the location selected is not correct, hold down the left mouse button and drag the cursor diagonally to select the correct location.
  10. When the proper area has been identified, click the Save and Close button in the viewer toolbar. The text and coordinates of the area selected will now be displayed in the Identifier dialog.
  11. Click OK to return to the ERM Document Type Configuration dialog. The new identifier will be listed in the grid in the Identify Document section of the General tab.

Configure ERM for a Document Type

Step 1: Capture Sample Documents

Step 3: Decollation