Capture Sample Documents

In order to configure ERM for a document type, you must first capture some sample documents. To capture sample documents:

  1. Stop the ERM service OR simply disable the ERM Input Source.
    1. Stop the ERM Service -
      • With Service Monitor open, click on doc-link ERM Service. The ERM Service Dashboard will be visible.
      • Locate the Service Status box in the bottom right-hand corner of the window.
      • Click the Stop button. The server status will update to 'Stopped'.  You may need to click the Refresh button to see the server status update.
    2. Disable the input source -
      • With the Service Monitor open, click on doc-link ERM Service.
      • Select the input source and click the Properties button. The Input Source Configuration dialog window opens.
      • Uncheck the Active checkbox.
      • Click OK to exit the window and save the changes.
  2. Capture sample documents.
    1. If you are printing a document from a Windows® application, you can print the document using the DocLink printer driver.
      • Open the document using the originating application (for example, your ERP application or word processing application).
      • Open the print dialog
      • Select the designated ERM printer from the list.
      • Print the document.
      • The document is sent to the appropriate ERM input source.
    2. If you are capturing a document from a mainframe application that won’t allow you to print to a Windows® print spool, you can output the document as a text file.
      • Select the document using the originating application.
      • Print or output the file to the ERM input source.
      • The document is sent to the specified ERM input source as a text file.
  3. The documents will remain in the ERM input source until it is enabled or the service is started. After you have configured the document type for ERM processing you can enable the ERM input source. The sample documents can then be processed via ERM.

Configure ERM for a Document Type

Step 2: ERM Document Type Configuration