Configuring Decollation

Decollation is the process of chopping up multi-page print batches into distinctly identifiable documents. For example, if you printed a batch of checks from your ERP application, the file output is one string of checks attached together. They would need to be decollated into individual checks before being processed by ERM.

Configure a document type for decollation when:

  1. Select the Use Decollation check box if this document type needs to be decollated.
  2. If the document type does not need to be decollated, make sure the Use Decollation check box is not selected and move on to the ERM Filtering tab.
  3. If the file type is Text, specify the method used to decollate the file (enabled if processing text only).
    1. Select Decollate by Form Feeds if a form feed will be present each time a new page is to be started.
    2. Select Decollate by Lines Per Page if the same number of lines will be present for each page. The number of lines specified on the Page Setup tab will be used to determine when a new page starts.
  4. Use New Document Triggers to determine if the page is the beginning of a new document, or if a page should be added to the page in front of it to create a multi-page document. If this document type can have multiple pages, at least one trigger must be identified.
    1. To configure a Primary Trigger, select the appropriate index property from the Primary Trigger list. The selection of a trigger stipulates that the page will be added to the previous page(s) processed by ERM until a new or different value for that trigger property is located.
    2. If two index properties are required to identify a new document, select the second index property in the Secondary Trigger list.
  5. If matching property values must appear on each page of a multi-page document, select the Matching property values check box.

    Example: If the invoice number always appears on each page of a multi-page invoice, you can select this check box. If a page somehow gets inserted into the document that doesn’t have an invoice number on it, it will not be added to the document. Assuming the page doesn’t meet the configuration criteria for any other document type, the page will be rejected.

  6. Use ERM property scripting during collation process allows a user to apply a VB script to the page trigger property and have that value used during collation.

    Example: Say you had a check where the check number moved one line down on pages 2 through x. So you map the coordinates to include both lines. Then you write a VB script to look for and parse out only the check number. This works great for normal properties. If that property was the new document trigger, then you need this option. Without applying the script, page 2 would look like a new document to ERM. With the script, the check numbers would match and it wouldn’t trigger a new document.

  7. If this document type can be printed in the same print file with other document types, select the Analyze all pages for other document type check box.

Configure ERM for a Document Type

Step 2: ERM Document Type Configuration

Step 4: Text Setup