Delete an Input Source

To delete an ERM input source:

  1. Open the Input Source Configuration dialog window by browsing to Service Monitor > doc-link ERM Service > Management > Service Configuration.
  2. Highlight the input source in the grid you wish to delete and click the Remove button.
Considerations before Deleting an Input Source

If you are planning to remove an input source, there are a couple considerations to keep in mind before proceeding:

  1. You cannot delete an input source that are referenced by documents in the system.

    By default, you are unable to delete anything in the system, excluding documents, that are referenced by something else. When you attempt to delete an ERM input source, you will receive an error:

    The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_ERMFiles_InputSources". The conflict occurred in database "doclink2", table "dbo.ERMFiles", column 'InputSourceId'. The statement has been terminated.

    To resolve this error, you must delete all ERM-captured documents that reference the input source:

    1. In Service Monitor, go to doc-link ERM Service > Management > ERM Input Source Processing and filter the list based on the input source. This can be done using the Dashboard tab at the bottom of the screen.
    2. Once the input source has been selected, click on the History tab to view all documents processed through it.
    3. Highlight all records in the grid and click the Mark for Deletion button.
    4. A warning message will prompt you to confirm that you want to proceed with deleting the selected ERM files and existing documents. Click Yes to proceed or No to cancel and return to the service monitor.
    5. If you choose 'Yes', the status column for all selected files will update to 'Delete Pending'.
    6. The DocLink ERM Capture process will then process the files and delete them from the system.
    7. Go back to the doc-link ERM Service > Management > ERM Input Source Processing screen.
      • Highlight the input source in the grid.
      • Click on Remove. The input source will now be deleted.
      • If any documents are printed to the (removed) input source, they will not get captured into DocLink.
  2. Set an input source to inactive.

    If you want to discontinue use of an input source, but still need the documents processed by the input source, do not remove it. Rather set the input source as 'inactive'.

    1. Open the Input Source Configuration dialog window for the input source.
    2. On the General tab, uncheck the Active check box.
    3. Click OK to save the configuration and exit the screen.
    4. Restart the DocLink ERM Capture Service to ensure the changes are recognized by ERM.

Configure the ERM Service

Add an Input Source

Edit an Input Source

Advanced ERM Options