Add an Input Source

To create a new ERM input source, open the Input Source Configuration dialog window. Click the Add button. The General tab is visible. Enter configuration information for the new input source.

General Tab
  1. Enter the Name and Description of the new input source.
  2. From the drop down list select the machine name of the DocLink ERM Service that will be associated with this input source. The DocLink ERM service selected will be used to process documents sent to this input source.
    1. The default setting is <default to master>
    2. If there is only one ERM service installed, this does not need to be changed.
  3. Enter the Type of input source.
    1. Select Print Spooler for -
      • Printing to virtual and physical ERM Printers. Use the Printer drop down menu to select the printer for the current input source.
      • Processing EMF, XPS, or PCL files.
    2. Select File System for -
      • Printing to a (shared) network folder location.
      • Processing Text files.
  4. Enter the location of the folder or print spool Path that will serve as the input source. Use the ellipses button to locate the folder.

    For the Print Spooler type, the default location for the Windows print spool is \\<servername>\PRINTERS$ or C:\Windows\System32\spool\PRINTERS.

  5. Specify the Default Folder for this input source. All DocLink documents must be assigned to a top-level folder.

    If ERM is unable to determine a document's top-level folder based on ERM configuration for the document type, it will use the default folder associated with the input source if one has been configured.

    If the default folder for the document type or the input source has not been configured, ERM processing for the printed document will error with the following:

    Rejecting ERM File due to the following: Unspecified error processing ERMFileID Could not determine folder ID for ERM document (page {1} of ERMFileID{0}) and no default folder ID specified, most likely a problem with the ERM Document Type configuration.

  6. By default, when a new input source is created, the Active checkbox is selected. If necessary, uncheck the box to disable the input source. While the input source is not active, nothing from this input source will be processed by ERM.
  7. Click the Options tab to continue configuration, or OK to save and exit.
Options Tab

The options on this screen are enabled based on the Type defined on the General tab. If the type is Print Spooler, the only option available will be the delayed processing setting. All options are available for configuration when the type is set to File System.

  1. Select the Include subfolders check box if ERM is to process files located in subfolders.
  2. Select the Delay Processing for (minutes) check box if ERM is to wait before processing the file. This may be necessary to ensure that the file is completely spooled before ERM processing starts. If selected, enter the number of minutes ERM should delay processing.
  3. If you want to process the files in a specific order, select the order in the Sort Files By field. The options are None, Date/Time Stamp, or File Name.
  4. Secure Printer is legacy functionality that is not applicable for EMF or XPS processing. Unless configured by a doc-link consultant, you do not need to enter anything in this field.
  5. Click OK to save and exit the Input Source Configuration screen.

You must restart the DocLink ERM Capture Service before ERM will start processing files from the newly created input source.

While configuring a document type to be captured via ERM, disable the input source. Then print one or more sample documents. The documents will remain in the input source for use during ERM configuration. When you’ve finished ERM configuration, enable the input source and ERM will process the sample documents.

Configure the ERM Service

Edit an Input Source

Delete an Input Source

Advanced ERM Options