Configure Workflow Properties

Specify what document properties will be used in your workflow.

  1. Highlight the Properties sub-folder from the Explorer.
  2. The properties window changes to display all applicable properties.
  3. Click the down arrow on the  button and select Add Property from the drop-down list, or right-click on the sub-folder and choose Add Property from the context menu.
  4. Select the appropriate property from the Add Property window and click OK. The list of properties corresponds to the document types configured for this workflow.
  5. The property will appear as a sub-folder in the Explorer.
  6. Repeat steps 3 -5 for each property you wish to appear in the workflow grid.
  7. If a document type has been designated as a primary document and you want to require users to input a value for a selected property, select Require Value = True for each such property. Users will not be able to send documents to workflow unless values are entered for each required property.
  8. Of the list of workflow properties, highlight one that you wish to use as the key search property in workflow. Select Search On Property = True for this property. This will be the default property listed in the Filter field on the workflow window.

    Users will be able to enter a value in the Filter field on the workflow window to locate specific documents.

  9. A Supporting Property links documents in workflow with documents in the repository with similar properties. In order to return a list of supporting documents, or if you are configuring a supporting documents workflow, set the value of this option to True for each property you want to match on.

To continue configuration, click the Statuses sub-folder in the Workflow Explorer.

Create a New Workflow

Step 5: Configure Workflow Categories

Step 7: Configure Workflow Statuses