Configure Workflow Properties
what document properties will be used in your workflow.
- Highlight the Properties sub-folder from
the Explorer.
- The properties window changes to display all applicable
- Click the down arrow on the
and select Add Property from the drop-down list, or right-click
on the sub-folder and choose Add Property from the context
- Select the appropriate property from the Add Property
window and click OK. The list of properties corresponds to
the document types configured for this workflow.
- The property will appear as a sub-folder in the
- Repeat steps 3 -5 for each property you wish to
appear in the workflow grid.
- If a document type has been designated as a primary
document and you want to require users to input a value for a selected
property, select Require Value = True for each such
property. Users will not be able to send documents to workflow unless
values are entered for each required property.
- Of the list of workflow properties, highlight
one that you wish to use as the key search property in workflow. Select
Search On Property = True for this property. This will
be the default property listed in the Filter field on the workflow
Users will be able to enter a value in the Filter field on
the workflow window to locate specific documents.
- A Supporting Property links documents in
workflow with documents in the repository with similar properties.
In order to return a list of supporting documents, or if you are configuring
a supporting documents workflow, set the value of this option to True
for each property you want to match on.
To continue configuration, click the Statuses sub-folder in the Workflow
Create a New Workflow
Step 5: Configure Workflow
Step 7: Configure Workflow