Configure Workflow Categories

Specify what categories will make up your workflow.

  1. Highlight the Category sub-folder from the Explorer.
  2. The properties window changes to display all applicable properties.
  3. Click the down arrow on the button and select Add New Category from the drop-down list, or right-click on the sub-folder and choose Add New Category from the context menu.
  4. Enter a Name for your category.
  5. Enter a Description of the category (Optional).
  6. Enter a Code for your category. The code should be short and uniquely identifies the category. You will not be able to save your changes until a code is defined for each category in your workflow. The value you enter here as the code will display in the location column in the Workflow and Workflow Supervisor windows.
  7. Repeat Steps 3-6 until all categories have been created.

To continue configuration, click the Properties sub-folder in the Workflow Explorer.

Create a New Workflow

Step 4: Configure Workflow Document Types

Step 6: Configure Workflow Properties