Viewing Download Status

Download status will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. The message will indicate the current progress of the download, and at completion, the number of files successfully transferred and those that failed. Also included is the total elapsed time.

Notice that as each selected file downloads, the status column for the document will change to ‘Complete.’

When you close the Download Manager, you will be asked if you wish to remove failed downloads. Documents will remain loaded in the Download Manager if they have a pending or failed status until they are manually removed. Documents that have a status of complete will automatically be removed once Download Manager is closed or the grid is refreshed.

If a download is interrupted you can restart the download at any time. The download will resume where it left off and process those jobs that initially failed or were interrupted.

To view why a download failed hover your mouse over the Status field in the grid, a pop-up box will display indicating the cause of the error.

Deleting Documents