Selecting Download Options

  1. In Download Manager, go to the Tools menu and select Options. The Download Options dialog opens.
  2. Select the radio button next to the download options you wish to use:
    1. Download Images and XML data - Transfers TIFF images and XML data for all selected documents to the location specified. For each document two files will be downloaded, one will be the image file (TIFF) and the other will be the data file (XML). Both files reference the document type and document ID in the file names.
    2. Download Images only - Transfers TIFF images of all selected documents to the location specified. Each TIFF file references the document type and document ID in the file name.
    3. Download XML only - Transfers document information in the form of an XML data file. Each XML file references the document type and document ID in the file name.
  3. If you wish Download Manager to remember the location where previous files were saved, check the Default to last save to location option.
  4. If you wish to download search engine software along with the image file, check the Include search engine software box. This will copy a simplified Advanced Inquiry, Viewer and Search Results window to the download location, along with selected TIFF and XML files, so you can search off-line content.

    Refer to Offline Access on how to view downloaded documents.

  5. Click OK to save your settings and exit.

The XML file will contain the same or similar information found in the Document Info dialog,

For example, it will contain:

General information regarding the document including site name, document ID, document type, top-level folder name and sub-folder name if applicable.

All index properties associated with the document.

Document annotations including type, size, color, creation date, who created the annotation.

Document notes including when it was created, type of note, note ID, note text.

File origin information of every page of the document, including Batch Id, original input source, and userID of the individual who indexing the original document.

Select the Download Location