Selecting Documents to Download

  1. From search results, Highlight document(s) within the results grid. To select multiple documents, hold down the Shift or Ctrl keys on your keyboard as you select documents.
  2. Right-click the grid and choose Mark for Download from the context menu.
  3. Selected documents will be loaded into the Download Manager for processing.
  4. Repeat this process until all documents you wish to download have been marked.
  5. Click the Download Manager button in the toolbar to continue.
  6. Review all documents marked for download. If there is a document you do not wish to download at this time, right-click the document and choose Un-select. Hold down the Shift and Ctrl keys on your keyboard as you click to highlight more than one document.
  7. Document will remain in the Download Manager window but will not be downloaded until it is Selected.
  8. To remove a document from the Manager highlight it and select Remove.
  9. The grid will refresh without your selected item.

Download Manager will be disabled unless you have Output Permissions for the document's top-level folder and document type.

Documents in search results will be further filtered to display only those documents you have been granted access to. For example, if social security number is a configured secure property filter, employee A can only see HR documents matching employee A's SSN.

Documents will remain loaded in the Download Manager if they have a pending or failed status, if they are Unselected, or until they are manually Removed. Documents that have a status of complete will automatically be removed once Download Manager is closed or the grid is refreshed.

Selecting Download Options