
doc-link security is administered through roles. Roles can be associated with:

Document Types

All doc-link documents are assigned to one top-level folder and one document type. In order to access a document:

  1. The user must be a member of a role that specifies the document’s top-level folder and document type on the Document Types tab and grants permission to view or take another action on the document type on the Permissions tab.
  2. The user must not be a member of a role that specifies the document's top-level folder and document type on the Document Types tab and denies permission to view or take another action on the document type on the Permissions tab.

In order to access a stamp:

  1. The user must be assigned to a role that specifies the stamp on the Stamp tab and grants permission to use the stamp on the Permissions tab.
  2. The user must not be assigned to a role that specifies the stamp on the Stamp tab and denies permission to use the stamp on the Permissions tab.
Workflows and Workflow Statuses

In order to access a workflow status:

  1. The user must be assigned to a role that specifies the workflow and workflow status on the Workflows tab and grants permission to access the workflow status on the Permissions tab.
  2. The user must not be assigned to a role that specifies the workflow and workflow status on the Workflows tab and denies permission to access the workflow status on the Permissions tab.
Smart Forms

In order to access a Smart Form:

  1. The user must be assigned to a role that specifies the Smart Form on the Smart Form tab and grants permission to access the Smart Form on the Permissions tab.
  2. The user must not be assigned to a role that specifies the Smart Form on the Smart Form tab and denies permission to access the Smart Form on the Permissions tab.
Quick Searches

In order to access Quick Searches:

  1. The user must be assigned to a role that specifies the Quick Search on the Quick Search tab and grants permission to Search Documents on the Permissions tab.
  2. The user must not be assigned to a role that specifies the Quick Search on the Quick Search tab and denies permission to Search Documents on the Permissions tab.

In order for the role to meaningfully impact its members’ use of doc-link, permissions for each of these items must be configured. Each permission falls into one of the following categories: General, Document Type, Stamp, Workflow, and Smart Forms.


Apply to the role in general

Convert to Tiff

Grants/Denies the ability to convert non-Tiff documents to Tiff.

Delegate Workflow

Grants/Denies the user ability to delegate their workflow out to another user. (e.g.; Another user can temporarily represent another user when they are out of the office)

Monitor Workflow

Grants/Denies access to the Workflow Monitor application. This removes the ability to move documents and change categories. Intended to be used inversely with the Workflow Supervisor.

Save System Searches

Grants/Denies the ability to save system searches in the Smart Client Advanced Inquiry.

Search Documents

Grants/Denies the ability to search for documents in the Smart Client.

Supervise Workflow

Grants/Denies access to the Workflow Supervisor application. This allows the ability to move documents and change categories. Intended to be used inversely with the Workflow Monitor.

Document Type

Apply only to the top-level folders and document types specified on the Document Types tab

Annotations – View Only

Allows user 'View Only' rights to document annotations. They are not allowed to 'Create', 'Modify', or 'Delete' them.

Annotations – View, Create, Modify, and Delete

Grants/Denies the ability to view/create/modify/delete annotations such as sticky notes, redactions, and lines. This does NOT include rubber stamps. See Apply Stamps.

Delete Documents

Grants/Denies the ability to delete individual documents.


Grants/Denies the ability to manually index documents into the repository.

Mass Deletion

Enables/Disables the delete functionality through the Download Manager application.
Enables/Disables the ability to delete multiple selections in the Search Results grid.

Notes - Create Approve/Deny

Grants/Denies ability to create Approve and Deny notes by document type. Intended to be used with the 'Notes - View' permission.

Notes - Create Info

Grants/Denies ability to create Info notes. Intended to be used with the 'Notes - View' permission.

Notes - View

Grants/Denies ability to only view document notes – (Approve, Deny, Info). Assign this permission to users who are allowed to view notes but not create them.

Output Documents (print, fax, email)

Grants/Denies the ability to output documents (print, fax, email).

Re-Index Documents

Grants/Denies the ability to re-index (update) existing documents.


Grants/Denies the ability to move entire documents to another document or split multi-page documents into individual documents.

Upload Documents

Grants/Denies the ability to upload documents via doc-link Mobile.

Version Control - Check Out/In

Grants/Denies the ability to check out/in non-TIFF and non-PDF documents for editing.

Version Control - View History

Grants/Denies the ability to view version history for non-TIFF and non-PDF documents.

View Audit History

Enables/Disables a tab to show the audit history of the document.

View Documents

Grants/Denies the ability to open the document viewer to view documents.

View Output Manager History

Enables/Disables a tab to show the output history of the document (print, fax, email).

View Workflow History

Enables/Disables a tab showing the history of the document through the workflow.


Apply only to the stamps specified on the Stamps tab.

Apply Stamps

Grants/Denies the ability to apply rubber stamps. Users must have the 'view/create/modify/delete' annotations permission to enable the stamp icon in the document viewer.


Apply only to the workflows and workflow statuses specified on the Workflows tab.

Access Workflows and Statuses

Enables/Disables the Workflow tab in the Smart Client.

Smart Form

Apply only to the Smart Forms specified in Manage > Smart Forms.

Access Smart Forms

Enables/Disables access to any/all Smart Forms in the Smart Client, or document viewer. Determining which Smart Forms are accessible is determined from the Smart Form tab in the Role.

Save without burning Distribution Stamp

Grants/Denies the ability to save (non-permanent) a distribution stamp. If denied, only the Stamp/burn option is available (permanent save).

Custom Inquiry

Apply only to the quick searches configured on the Quick Searches tab.

Execute Quick Search

Enables/Disables the quick search feature in doc-link Web Client and doc-link Mobile. Intended to be used for external users to limit viewing capabilities.

Each permission can be configured in the following manner:

  1. Permission Granted - The role member has permission unless the user is also a member of a role that denies this same permission.
  2. Permission Denied - The role member is denied permission, regardless of any other role assignments that may grant this same permission.
  3. Permission Left Blank - The role member is not granted permission. However, if the user is a member of another role that grants this permission, they are granted permission.

There is one exception to the rules outlined above. Membership in the Administrator role overrides membership in any other role. Denied permissions in another role will be overridden by the user's membership in the Administrator role. This is the only instance where 'Denied' permissions can be overridden.


Administrator Role