Query Audit Records
Audit Inquiry options are accessible through the Audit Inquiry
tile on the Administration tab.
- In the Top-Level Folder field (which will
be labeled with a descriptive name for your top-level folders, such
as 'Company'), click the down arrow and select the appropriate
top-level folder from the list. If you don’t want to limit the search
to a specific top-level folder, click Select All.
- In the Document Types field choose all
the relevant document types you want to search (to highlight multiple
types, hold down the Shift or Ctrl key on your keyboard
as you select). If you don’t want to limit the search to specific
document types, click Select All.
- When you select a document type, the Properties
list changes to display only relevant properties for your selected
document type(s), determined by the settings chosen in Tools >
Options > Search Criteria.
- If property values are unknown, leave blank.
Search Results will return all documents matching Top-Level Folder(s)
and Document Type(s).
- If property value is known, enter the property
value you want to search on (for example Invoice Number and/or
PO number). Search Results will return all documents matching
Top-Level Folder(s), Document Type(s) and property value(s). If
configured to do so, you can use wildcard
characters in your search criteria.
- To filter results to a specific date range, select
the Filter by Date button in the toolbar.
- When you select date range option you will
be prompted to enter a start and end date
- You can search by:
- Search by document creation date
- Filter by audit action date
- Click the down arrows to open the calendar
control where you can select a start and end date.
- In the User list select the user(s) you
wish to search by. To select consecutive users click and drag your
mouse over a group of users. To select multiple users out of sequence,
hold down the Ctrl key on your key board as you select.
- Under Actions select the audited action
you wish to view.
- Finally select if you wish to group search results
by type of audit record or by document type.
- Click the Search button. Results will display
in a modified search results window.
Click the + sign at the beginning of each row to view detailed information
regarding the document action being audited.
View Audit Reports