To use supported wildcards, select Use Wildcards under Text Match on the Option's Search Criteria tab. The following wildcard options are supported in doc-link search criteria:
Wildcard | Description |
'*' or '%' | Asterisk or Percent - Searches for zero to
any number of characters. Often the asterisk is used in place
of part of a phrase or word.
Example, searching for 'ap*' would return matches that include AP, AP-Link, ape, APEC, apple, apples, etc. |
'?' or '_' | Question mark or Underscore - Searches for
any single character or digit.
Example, searching for '1?' would return matches that include 10, 12, 17, and 19. Searching for '1???' would return matches that include 1000, 1111, 1001, 1586, 1073, etc. |
[charlist] | Searches for any single character/digit contained
within the brackets.
Example, searching for 1[0234] would return matches that contained 10, 12, 13, and 14 as the first two digits. |
[^charlist] | Searches for any matches that do not include
characters/digits within the brackets.
Example, searching for 1[^0234] would return matches that contained 11, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19 as the first two digits. |
A group of one or more characters (charlist) enclosed in brackets ([]) can be used to match any single character in the string and can include almost any character code, including digits.
Other important rules for pattern matching include the following: