New/Edit Field Mapping

  1. Enter or change the name in the Field Mapping Name field.

  2. Each screen value can be mapped to one or more doc-link properties. Select the doc-link property or properties you wish to map the field to from the select properties for field list. The list contains all properties configured in doc-link.

  3. If applicable, under Field Options, select:

    1. Map field to top-level Folder - check the box if values entered in a particular field will be used to determine top-level folders in doc-link.  Each top-level folder must be created and document types assigned from the doc-link client prior to using this functionality.

    2. Script Enabled - check if doc-link should transform the property prior to indexing it into doc-link.  Click the Script... button to enter and test the script on the Script Field Value dialog.

    3. Use Parent Window - check this option if you wish to map a property value to information in the screen's title bar.  On the Indexing Action screen you will need to enter a VBscript to script out any information in the title that is not part of the data you are indexing.

  4. Choose an Identification Option. Not all application use the same method to identify window object, for example not all applications will assign a unique Identifier for an object. This is why Quick-link can use one of the following three methods to identify a field:

    1. Windows ID Number - Unique identifier assigned to the window object.

    2. Order of Window -  Order position of the object within the integrated window.

    3. Windows Caption -  Field label or caption. Enter a value and select if the text begins with, contain, or ends with the value.

  5. With one option selected, click the Select Field... button to identify and locate the field. The Quick-link Window Identifier will open.

  6. Click the Test button to confirm Quick-link's ability to capture this field.

If you are unsuccessful using one Identification Option click another method and try again. Of all three methods fail, Quick-link cannot integrate with your business application.


To continue configuration, click Events in the folder list.