
The doc-link Smart Form Import Wizard allows you to import a Smart Form Definition (.sfd) file that was either previous exported from an existing system or created by Altec. When imported, a .sfd can fill in values of a newly created Smart Form or overwrite an existing Smart Form. Please take caution when overwriting as all previous changes will be lost when updated.

  1. To start the import process, first go to File > Import.
  2. doc-link then searches for Smart Form Definition files. Browse to a .sfd that has been previously exported or given by Altec and click Open. If the .sfd was exported previously, most of the following steps should already be completed, however, we recommend verifying the settings for accuracy.
  3. This will open the Smart Form Import Wizard. On the Verify Plug-in Components screen, ensure the User Interface Host and Logic plug-in have been selected from the drop-down menu. If you are unsure of which ones to use, please see sub-section 'Plug-in Components' in the section Configure doc-link Smart Form – General Tab. Then, click Next.
  4. On the Hosting Options screen, select the location(s) where the Smart Form will be available. If there are no appropriate choices from this wizard, you can change the options after the import has finished. If you have options, but are unsure of what they mean, please see sub-section 'doc-link Access' in the Configure doc-link Smart Form – General Tab section. Then, click Next.
  5. On the Map doc-link Properties screen, match the properties given in the Source section to the properties in the Destination section. doc-link matches up properties as best as it can, but it doesn't always match them up automatically. Choose from the drop-down list of master properties to fix mismatched or unmatched pairs. Then, click Next.
  6. On the Map doc-link Lookups screen, match the lookups given in the Source section to the lookups in the Destination section. doc-link matches up lookups as best as it can, but it doesn’t always match them up automatically. Choose from the drop-down list of available lookups to fix mismatched or unmatched pairs or click the button next to the drop-down to create a new lookup. Then, click Next.
  7. On the Map doc-link Document Types screen, match the document types given in the Source section to the document types in the Destination section. doc-link matches up document types as best as it can, but it doesn’t always match them up automatically. Choose from the drop-down list of document types to fix mismatched or unmatched pairs. Then, click Finish.
  8. When completed using the wizard, you should be left with a completed Smart Form. If there were any sections that were not filled in previously, you can now do this manually. Click File > Save to save the Smart Form in the list of available Smart Forms.