Configure doc-link Smart Form – General Tab

Configure elements of a data entry window that will be accessed in doc-link.

  1. Name – The unique name for the Smart Form.
  2. Description – A field to detail what the Smart Form is used for.
  3. Lookup Hotkey – The globally used keyboard hotkey used for lookups defined on the Settings Tab in Lookup Manager.
Plug-in components

User Interface Control – A plug-in used to define the interface control of the Smart Form.

Logic plug-in – A plug-in used to define the logic for the Smart Form.

Properties... button – Opens the properties to be configured for each of the logic plug-ins. A different window will open depending on the logic plug-in chosen. See Plug-in section (Configure Document Creation, Configure Document Processing, Distribution Stamp Properties) for specific configuration of each component.

Many configuration fields will be unavailable until the layout of the Smart Form has been created. It is best practice to construct the Smart Form's layout in the Header, Detail, Totals and Footer sections with elements before specifics of the logic plug-in's properties are configured.

Any changes made to the properties of any Smart Form plug-in must first be saved before changes will be updated for preview.

doc-link Access

Host In Smart Client Tab – Check to enable access of the Smart Form on a new tab in the Smart Client.

Click the ellipsis button to open Configure Smart Client Tabs window for Smart Client tabs.

Show in Viewer Tab – Check to enable access of the Smart Form in the document viewer when an image has been viewed.

Click the ellipsis button to open Configure Smart Client Tabs window for Viewer tab.

Launch from Search Results – Check to enable access of the Smart Form in the search results.

Configuring the doc-link Smart Form

Configure Smart Client Tabs

Configure doc-link Smart Form – Header Tab