How to Edit Event Manager Templates

You cannot modify system templates; however, you can create a custom template based off a system template. The steps below will show you how. Start with the steps above to Create a New Template.

  1. Select the system template that you wish to customize (ex.: Workflow > Documents for Review). Click the Create button.
  2. Save the new "custom" template file in your shared Event Templates folder. (ex.: \\doclinkserver\eventtemplates\)
  3. Click on the Template Properties tab of the Template Properties window pane.
    1. Change Template name to identify it as a custom template.
    2. Verify Template Detail is set to stylesheet (.xsl) and points to Event Manager Templates folder .htm file.
    3. Verify that data source is correct (Workflow Status Summary Data).
  4. Click on the File tab to open the drop down menu and click Options.
  5. Set the Publish file location to your Event Manager Template shared folder. Click OK.
  6. Click Publish.
  7. After publishing, doc-link will create the XSLT file.
  8. You may then modify the XSLT file to make any adjustments or modifications to the email message. Click Publish to refresh.

    Example: Change the text of email message.

  9. Click the Preview tab of your custom user defined template to see the changes.
  10. To apply the custom template, login to Event Manager.
    1. Choose the type of event from the lower left corner (in this example, choose Reports & Alerts).
    2. Then browse to the appropriate event type (in this example Workflow, Status Summary Report, Notifications)
    3. Click Add
  11. Enter a name for your new event.
    1. Enter a Subject and From address for the e-mail that will be sent. The subject line can contain property values entered as tokens like this: [$Property.1 Name=DocumentNumber]. Alternatively, use the ellipsis button to open the Insert Token dialog window.
    2. Click on the drop down button for Template and select your custom template. Click OK.

Moving the Publish File Location