Design Options


Insert Token

Insert dynamic property into the document.

HTML Elements


Insert a table into the document or edit the properties for the currently selected table.


Insert or edit a link to a web page, a picture, an e-mail address or a program.


Insert or edit an image from a file.

Horizontal Rule

Insert a horizontal rule into the document.

Body Style

Set the style attributes to apply to the document.


View HTML Source

View the html source for this template. This source may be edited.

Spell Check

Run the internal spell checker on the current template.


Undo the most recent change.


Redo the most recent change

Clear Formatting

Remove all formatting tags, i.e. bold, italic, color font from the document. Hyperlinks, images, tables, and paragraphs are not affected.

Workflow Links

Approval Link

(Workflow templates only) Insert special approval link at the current cursor position. This button links to the Approved Status in Workflow. If the approval link is clicked in an e-mail, the image will be routed to the status set as the Approved Status in the Workflow Manager. How do I set the Approved Status?

Denial Link

(Workflow templates only) Inserts special denial link at the current cursor position. This button links to the denied status in Workflow. If the denial link is clicked in an e-mail, the image will be routed to the status set as the Denied Status in the Workflow Manager.  How do I set the Denied Status?

View Workflow

(Workflow templates only) This button links to the user's workflow from which the notification is sent from by Event Manager.

Approval with Note

(Workflow templates only) Insert special approval link at the current cursor position. This button links to the Approved Status in Workflow. If the approval link is clicked in an e-mail, an approval note is added the image, and it will be routed to the status set as the Approved Status in the Workflow Manager. How do I set the Approved Status?

Denial with Note

(Workflow templates only) Insert special denial link at the current cursor position. This button links to the denied status in Workflow. If the denial link is clicked in an e-mail, a denial note is added to the image and it will be routed to the status set as the Denied Status in the Workflow Manager. How do I set the Denied Status?


doc-link Templates