Create a Template

The Template Viewer allows you to create document templates used in ERM and Output Manager.

  1. From the Administration tab, click the Document Templates tile.  The Document Templates dialog window opens.
  2. Click the Add button. The Document Template Configuration window will open.
  3. Click to select a main overlay.  The main overlay is a file that serves as the basis for the template.  It contains the standard lines, shading, and words that will appear each time the overlay is used.

    An overlay can be either a PDF ro TIFF file.

    From the Open dialog, select the overlay that will be used with this template. The overlay will be displayed in the Template Viewer.

    If you need a custom overlay created, contact Technical Support.

  4. If a graphic or logo is to be laid on top of the overlay, click . From the Open dialog, select the graphic that will be used with this template.
    1. Place your cursor on the overlay and click. The graphic is now displayed on top of the overlay.
    2. Click on the overlay, hold down the left mouse button and drag the graphic where you want it.
    3. Then click outside the selection to place it in the correct position.
  5. You can add three types of annotations to the template: text, line and block out. The block out annotation renders information in that area unreadable. It may be used to hide sensitive or private information.
    1. To add a Text Annotation, click . To create a text frame, hold down the left mouse button and drag the pointer diagonally to the size you want. Click inside the text frame to type the text. While the text frame is selected, right-click to define the text’s font and color attributes.
    2. To add a Line Annotation, click . Hold down the left mouse button and drag the pointer to draw the line. While the line is selected, right-click to define the line’s size and color.
    3. To add a Block Out, click . Hold down the left mouse button and drag the pointer diagonally to select the area for block out. While the area is selected, right-click to define the block out color.
  6. Click to save the template.  Here you can name the new template and choose to include the overlay. Close the Template Viewer and the name of the new template will be displayed in the Template Manager.
  7. Click OK to go back to the Document Templates dialog to see your new template in the grid.

Make sure the overlay uses Group 4 compression if it is a black and white document, or LZW compression if it contains color. If not, you may receive an error when you insert the overlay into the template.


Edit a Template