Edit a Template

  1. From the Administration tab, click on the Document Templates tile.
  2. Next, click the Edit button.
  3. Make the changes to the template, then click to save those changes.
  4. To undo any changes, click on the red 'X' of the template viewer, or go to File > Exit. You will be prompted to save your changes.
    1. Select No.
    2. The Viewer will close and no changes will be made.

Navigate to the Template Viewer. If the template has not already been associated with documents stored in DocLink, the template will be displayed in the Template Viewer and you will be able to edit it.

If the template has already been associated with one or more documents in the DocLink database, a message box will be displayed telling you that the template has been associated with at least one document.  To create a new template based on the selected template, click the Yes button.  A copy of the selected template will now be displayed in the Template Viewer.  Click the No button to view the selected template in read-only mode.

From the Template Viewer you can modify the overlay, graphic or annotations.


Modify the Overlay