Configure the DocLink log Properties
If maximum application log size is reached, DocLink services can shut
down with no notification of the problem. It is highly recommended that
you set the Event Viewer Application Log, System Log and DocLink Log properties
on the server to ‘Overwrite events as needed’ to prevent this issue.
This information is also found in the “Configure the DocLink Log Properties”
section in DL 32 Server Install Guide.pdf. You can request this
document by contacting DocLink Support via email at
or by phone at 1-800-997-9921 x1259.
Configure the DocLink Logs
- Go to Component Services (Start > Run >
type: dcomcnfg).
- In the left pane, select Event Viewer.
- In the tree view, expand Windows Logs.
- Right-click on Applications and select
Properties from the menu options.
- The Application Properties window will open.
- Click the Overwrite events as needed (oldest
events first) option.
- Click OK to save and exit.
- In the tree view, expand Applications and Services
- Right-click on doc-link and select Properties
from the menu options.
- Click the Overwrite events as needed (oldest
events first) option.
- Click OK to save and exit.
Managing DocLink Services
the Log On Account for each DocLink Service